How it works - Jobseeker
We'll help you get hired
We capture your information around your work requirements, location, salary, tenure situation, and other preferences.
We ask for a date of birth so that we can match school leavers to retail positions relevant to their employability. We use age to help our job filtering process extract jobs alluding to any possible restriction which an employer may set within an advertisement. We do not want to waste time delivering jobs to someone who is unlikely to be successful in gaining a position. We want you to have the best possible chance of attaining a job.

Save time and get working faster
We glean information from your CV and past jobs and use this within our search engine process.
Our job seekers pay $29 for two weeks and receive a variety of jobs matching their suitability. Occasionally we get stuck and cannot deliver you an outcome to your satisfaction. In this case, we are prepared to refund your money pending our terms and conditions.
We also offer a service reviewing and making adjustments and tweaks to CVs. This is to improve our job conversion rate for our job seekers. We charge a nominal fee of $20 for this service.
We have several thousand employers on our database and we can broadcast your availability for work as well to them.